But, to be honest, there really hasn't been much to update. That's the most frustrating part of the adoption process. You fill out a bunch of paperwork, write a few hefty checks, and wait. And then you wait some more.
Plus, the last couple of months have been extremely busy with plenty of Hubbard and Zopfi family joys to make us forget about some of that frustration.
My brother, Todd, and his wife gave birth to their first baby, Brody, on Aug. 5. And as of Oct. 16 you can all officially refer to me as The Godfather. You will be contractually obligated to do so.
Sarah and I also celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and 10th overall anniversary on Sept. 9 and 10.
Then, this past weekend we celebrated the wedding of Sarah's brother, Adam, to his long-time girlfriend Lindsay.
It's been a very fun and eventful two months, and we're so happy for Adam, Lindsay, Todd and Danielle. But, we still wait, and wait, and wait.
We did finish our USCIS application, which was approved. It grants our baby the ability to enter the country when we can finally have them escorted or pick them up. We also never pursued a domestic adoption after our first near match. We definitely considered it and haven't ruled it out should any other complications arise with Korea. But we feel we're so vested in this process and that ultimately it's still the most predictable and -- at this stage -- quickest path to adoption. We really don't like the prospect of starting over.
And we're still looking at probably December or late November, at the earliest, before we receive a referral. Then it could be another 9 months or a year before we are able to meet and bring home our baby unless the process speeds up.
But we finally do have some big news, and this is where the Rock 'n' Roll reference applies, and you can help.
On Nov. 10, a Thursday, in Lexington, we will be hosting a benefit concert as a fundraiser for the adoption at Cosmic Charlie's. For those familiar with Lexington but not Cosmic Charlie's, it's the old Lynagh's Club. Adam's and Wendell's cover bands will be performing, and a third local band from Lexington may also be performing. We'll have food and maybe some silent auction items, plus the club is providing everything but drinks for free, although those will be available. Doors will open at 7 p.m. with music beginning at 8 p.m. until ????
There will be a minimum cover charge of $10 per person, but if you would like to or can afford to donate more you can. We'll have a P.O. Box set up for those who can't attend but want to help.
If you can read this, then you're invited, and if you know someone else who would like to come, invite them. Every dollar helps, and we thank you all so much for your encouragement and support.
Here are details Sarah posted to her Facebook Events page:
WHAT: Adoption fundraiser to help us raise money to complete our adoption!
WHO: Any friends, family or kind souls who would like to have a good time rocking and rolling while donating to a WONDERFUL cause!
DETAILS: Doors open at Cosmic Charlie's at 7 p.m. There will be several local bands playing that night, as well as a light dinner served.
You can bring your family (over 21) and friends, and enjoy some great music and drinks!
Cover charge will be $10 per person at the door. Anyone who desires to make a larger additional donation can do so at the door via cash or check.
*If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a donation anyway, we will be creating a P.O. box address soon where donations can be sent.
SPECIAL NOTE: Travis and I have already been showered with so much love and support during this long process. We hope to see all of you on this special night. And one day, we will be able to tell our child all about the people who loved him/her before even meeting him/her...the wonderful people who helped bring our baby into our lives! THANK YOU!!!
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