Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's all going to be fine...but it's not

Well, here we go...
That's the feeling Travis and I have had for about the past 5 months. We decided we wanted to adopt last Sept. (2010). We decided we wanted to adopt from Korea, but we were also open to adopting domestically (in the USA).
We picked an agency, paid and processed our application fee. Then, we completed our homestudy, met our social worker (or adoption specialist).
We got our physicals, letters of recommendation from friends, three years worth of tax documentation, background checks, reference letters, more criminal background checks and financial info.
Then, we picked a placing agency, Americans for International Adoption. We paid for a pre-application with that agency, and waited to get accepted. And waited.
For months, we imagined ourselves holding, loving and adoring a little Korean angel. We were open to a boy or girl, just so long as they were happy and healthy. We even had to open our hearts up to a baby born to a mother who smoked or drank some during pregnancy, as per the agency guidelines.
Last Monday, AIAA called Travis and told him they weren't even going to send off our application to Korea. They felt it wasn't worth their time, as they felt Korea would deny us due to my diabetes.
In one word: HEARTBROKEN.
We cried (well, I cried for hours), Travis was just mad.

SO, after many emails back and forth to the agency, we realized, it wasn't worth it to work with them anymore.
We are now looking into other agencies. We are so sad, but trying to remain focused. We want to share good news with everyone one day!!

Please keep sending positive thoughts our way, and we will keep you updated. Thanks.